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Home - The Pintos - Missionaries to Brazil

Our Calling

Since 2006 we have been tentmaking missionaries helping with church planting ministry under missionaries John and Joyce Raehl at "Igreja Batista Maranata" in Cuiabá, Brazil. We also have been working at Camp Maranatha alongside missionary Peter Doolittle. In 2018 God laid upon our hearts the desire to impact more lives for His kingdom and in March 2019, we surrendered our lives to serve God as full-time missionaries and plant churches in Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil.

Our Ministry Goals

God has called our family to plant independent Baptist churches in Cuiabá, Brazil.

Church Planting
Church Planting
The Great Commission orders that we win souls for Christ. Our main emphasis will be sharing the gospel with the lost and plant a new church in Cuiabá, MT, Brazil.
Discipling & Teaching
Discipling & Teaching
We believe in the dire importance of discipling those who have accepted Christ as their personal Savior, so that they can have a rich and growing relationship with God.
Training Nationals
Training Nationals
We will provide training to other Brazilians whom God has called into the ministry, so they can be aptly prepared with Biblical knowledge and discernment to lead in their designated ministries.
Camp Ministry
Camp Ministry
Camp Maranatha which has been a great asset to all the regional churches in Mato Grosso. Through this ministry, we will help with the edification of the churches through fellowship, preaching, teaching the Word of God and reaching souls for Jesus Christ.

Our Field: Cuiaba, MT, Brazil

Brazil’s main language is Portuguese which our family speaks fluently. We work in the twin cities of Cuiabá and Várzea Grande which are in west-central Brazil, in the state of Mato Grosso. Almost one million people live in these cities which is about one fourth of the total population of Mato Grosso.

Learn more

Meet our family


Our Mission Board

Batptist Internation Mission, Inc.

We are missionaries with Baptist International Mission, Inc. 

More about BIMI

Considering Partnering With Us?

If the Lord has put a burden in your heart for our ministry in Brazil and you are consedering supporting our ministry in Brazil, check out  ou Support page on how to do that.

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