If the Lord has put a burden in your heart for missions and to support our ministry in Brazil, you can partner with us through prayer, encouragement and financial support.
Partnering with us in Prayer
To learn how to pray for us, sign up for our newsletter, and we will let you know what is going on in our lives and ministry. Occasionally, we might email specific prayer requests.
Keep us Encouraged
To encourage us, email, text, or even call us and let us know that you are praying for us.
Partnering with us Financially
All of our support and love gifts go through BIMI.
On the BIMI website http://www.bimi.org/giving, you can find all the information on how to support us financially.
Here is our missionary information for those who contact BIMI regarding supporting us:
Missionary #: 1617
Missionaries: Chico & Shari Pinto
Field: Brazil
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