Ministry Goals
God has called our family to plant independent, Bible-believing Baptist churches in Cuiabá, Brazil.
To acomplish that we will focus on the following goals:
Soul Winning

The Great Commiss lost.ion orders that we win souls for Christ. Our main emphasis will be sharing the gospel with the

We believe in the dire importance of discipling those who have accepted Christ as their personal Savior, so that they can have a rich and growing relationship with God.

We will use all the tools avalable to us to focus on teaching the bible to those who need Christ so that cn understand they need to make a decision about accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour and grow in their faith.
Training other nationals

We will provide training to other Brazilians who God has called into the ministry, so that they can be aptly prepared with Biblical knowledge to lead in their designated ministries.
Cooperating in camp ministry

We will continue working at Camp Maranatha which has been a great asset to all the reginal churches in Mato Grosso. Through this ministry, we will help with the edification of the churches through fellowship, preaching, teaching the Word of God, and reaching souls for Jesus Christ.
Cooperating with other Missionaries

We will be working closely with other missionaries in the region of Cuiabá to support their ministry as they support ours. We have been ministering with missionaries John Raehl and Peter Doolitlte as well as other local missionaries and pastors and will continue to do so.