Church Building Renovation Project at 15 de Maio

Last Update: August 2023

Our remodeling of the church building of Igreja Batista Boas Novas in 15 de Maio is still on going. We raised the funds we needed for this project, but we hit a few roadbloack with the city, which has sttopped the project twice. We have all documents they requested submitted and we are now wating on the licences to be able to resume the remodeling, wich should be done within a month after we restart.

But this has not stopped the church plant project in 15 de Maio: We are having wednesday meetings and also took the time to fix up/remodel the parsonage (house behind the church) where we are having our meetings now.

If you would like to keep updated on this church plant project and other areas of our ministry, sign up to get our newsletter.

If you are considering a donation towards this project, you can find the information bellow on how to it. This will be greatly appreciated as we had extra expenses with documentation and licences processes and with the renovation of the parsonage, which was not in the original project and would be done at a later time.

Lastly, pray for this church plant and that God enable us to work for His glory in the neigborhood of 15 de Maio, in the city of Varzea Grande.


Donations can be sent to BIMI via check or Paypal. Please, include the following information:
Missionary #: 1617
Missionaries: Chico & Shari Pinto
Field: Brazil
Project: Church Building Renovation

By Paypal:
Clicn on the donattion botton on our BIMI page:

By Check:

Baptist International Missions, Inc. (BIMI)
Attn: Accounts Receivable
P.O. Box 9
Harrison, TN 37341

Other Ways:
For other ways to donate to this project see BIMI Giving page: 

Watch a 2 Min Video Porject Presentation

The church building at 15 de Maio.

Renovation Project

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